Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's begining to look a lot like Christmas!

I am soooooo excited for Christmas this year. I finally had to sit back and actually think why this is, and I figured it out!
Last year during this time I had infant babies and was severely lacking sleep. The year before last I was pregnant with twins and was so nauseous at the site and smell of everything. The year before that (2007) I had so much going on with moving into our new house, changing jobs, and everything else that I felt like a complete wack-a-doodle.
This year, I finally feel like my normal, cheerey, festive self! I can't wait for Christmas! I put up all my decor and even put up the trees (yes, plural) a week before Thanksgiving.
I can't wait for my little twinkies to be excited about their toys on Christmas morning.
It's amazing how much your perspective changes once you have kids. You start seeing the world through their eyes. The eyes of a child. It's magical!
We're taking the twinks to see Santa tomorrow. It'll make for a cute picture, but I have a feeling that they'll cry!
Happy December!

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