Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bring on Fall

I can't believe the summer is over! But then again, I can. We had SUCH a busy summer! There were a few birthdays (my twinkies turned 2!), and we traveled to San Diego, Las Vegas, and Indiana. My sister-in-law got married and I was the Matron of Honor. That was a lot of work, more than I realized!! It was fun though. In a way I'm glad the summer is over because now I can focus on school. And fall also means HALLOWEEN is coming!!!! My ultimate FAV holiday!

Oh, by the way I went back to school! I took a lot of nursing and business classes back in 1998-2001. Then I moved around, got married, moved some more, and then had twins. Finally I feel like I'm settled down a bit. I want to finish what I started and finally get my darn degree. It will be in Integrated Studies. I only have 7 electives to take, and I'm taking 2 of those right now. So far I really like my classes. I especially like going to class twice a week. It's a much needed break, and it gives the grandma's some alone time with their grandkids!

The next couple of months are going to be busy also. This month I'm taking the kids to the State Fair, which is normally not my cup of tea. When I was younger I had no fear of those old, rusty, thrown together in 5 minutes, rides. Holly, remember the rides at the fair?! LOL!! Good times! We rode like 30 rides in one hour and Holly got super sick!

Next month we'll be going to the Balloon Fiesta. I went last year and it was great. This year I think the kids will be really into it...Lyla especially because she loves balloons. Then there's haunted houses, my Halloween party, a friend's Halloween party, and then finally HALLOWEEN!!!! I think on the actual day we'll be taking the kids to Calvary church. Last year they had this huge fall festival thing with food, jumping castles, pony rides, candy, and all kinds of other stuff. The kids loved it, and Nathan and I had a great time too.

Anyway, that's all for now... I just wanted to give a short update.

Any blog posts requests? I was thinking I'd do one about my skin care regime since I've seen a few of those on here lately. Hope everyone is well!!

PS~ Do you like the new blogger layout? I kind of like it!

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